This article will show you how to send a checklist
Sending a Checklist (Document Request) or Package
Please note that this article uses the terms Checklist and Document Request interchangeably
- To send a Checklist, navigate to your Checklist (or Loan File for some users)
- Select the DocTitles that you would like to request
- Click the "Send a Checklist" (or Package) button that appears at the top of the screen
- Select the Paper Airplane or Box Icon at the top of the Checklist
- Click the "Send a Checklist" (or Package) button that appears at the top of the screen
- The new Sending Interface will appear. All of the same capabilities you've always seen are here, but this window has been re-designed to be more like email, and more user-friendly.
- Note that instead of progressing through a series of screens, you can see all the things you may need to add or edit about your checklist on the one window.
- You will have links to add the Contacts already associated with this checklist. Click the link to add that email address as a recipient of the checklist.
- Under CC, you will be able to add Cirrus Users in your system. You just start typing their email address and the field will display the email for you to select. In the prior version of Cirrus, you would have to page through the list of users in your system to find and add them to CC.
- Default System Reminder Schedule and Expiration Dates will be auto-populated. You can modify these if your permissions set allows that.
- For more on Sending Schedules and Reminders, take see this article.
- You can attach documents from the Document Library, your computer, or Shared Folders, just like adding attachments to an email.
- Feel free to add a subject and message to your Checklist before sending!
- Here is a 2 minute video clip showing this process
Please see this article for Messaging between Borrower and Cirrus User.
If what you see when you send a checklist or package does not look like that is displayed above, then please email