Configuring Sending Schedules and Reminders

You can define a corporate standard for sending Document Requests and Reminders using an Admin pre-defined structure

The purpose of Sending Schedules and Reminders are to set a Standard Expiration Date and a Reminder Schedule for your Sent Checklists and Packages associated with your Checklist, to ensure that all Deals have the correct number of reminders, and expire based on your corporate policy.

A Schedule is a combination of Reminders and Expirations. 

To start, think about:

What is the default expiration of this request type?

- How many days will this request remain open for after I send it?

How often do I want Reminders to go out?

- Be careful not to spam your borrowers and send too many reminders!

  1. To set up a Schedule, go to Administration > Checklist Setup > Schedules > Sent Checklists.
  2. Click the Blue button on the top right of the screen that says "Create new Sent Checklist Reminder"
  3. Name your Reminder, give it an optional description.
    1. On this screen, you can also set the default expiration for checklists. If you want checklists to expire 30 days after sending, set that on this screen.
  4. Click SAVE.
  5. Now, a tab will appear in the top left that says "Reminders." Click the blue button on the top right that says "Create New Sent Checklist Schedule Reminder."
  6. Configure when you would like a reminder for this schedule to go out. You can set these reminders based on the date sent or the expiration date. 
    1. You also have the option to show all the DocTitles in a checklist on the reminder, or auto-filter that view of DocTitles to only Open items that still need action. 
  7. You can set a Reminder to Default or not. You may want more than one Reminder schedule, but one set to Default for most Checklists you send.
    1. You can also include an optional description.
    2. You can add more than one reminder, but be careful to not set too many and over-email your recipients! 

Repeat the steps above for Sent Packages by going to Administration > Checklist Setup > Schedules > Sent Packages. 

To test your new Schedule, go to a Checklist and Send. On the screen that pops up, you should now see your new Checklist Reminder Schedule. I set this one to Default so it auto-populated in the Field, but I could select a different schedule if I wanted to, as is indicated in the screenshot below.