Using Personal SiteDrop Links

To enable your personal SiteDrop link, follow the steps below

Many Cirrus users insert this link in their email signature for borrowers to be able to upload files. 

  1. To enable (or find your link if it's already been enabled), go to your avatar/profile picture in the top right corner of the application.
  2. Select "SiteDrop Settings" from the menu.
    1. Check the box to enable Sitedrop on the window that pops up, and click Save.
      1. Be sure that your custom URL is NOT your email address, and has no special characters.
  3. Additional configuration:
    1. If you expand the Document Library dropdown, you can attach files from your system's Document Library (think a template for a Personal Financial Statement) if there are any available. 

Potential Error Message

This will appear if the checkbox highlighted in the screenshot above is not checked!