This article will explain single pdfs and dividers and how to set them up on your site
Single PDF’s and packages make it easy to pull different cuts of the loan and create unique packages that have many uses. Cirrus can create audit packages, underwriting review, credit risk review and many more, all configured for your site.
Setting up these packages is simple, and only requires a few steps. To get started:
- Administration > Packaging Setup > Dividers
- Dividers is the first step of your setup process. Dividers create groupings and bookmarks inside the package.
- Click the Create new divider button.
- Enter the name of the divider, then look at the header and footer text. This text will be added to the divider page inside the PDF package that will separate your different documents.
- Hit Save
- Next, click on the name of the divider in the list.
- Click the Doc Titles tab.
- Select the different Doc Titles you want related to that divider.
- Check the box next to each doc title you want included, then on the right side, you can decide the order you would like them in.
- Once you have all of your dividers created and your doc titles selected, the next step is to set up the actual package, or Single PDF.
- Go to Administration > Packaging Setup > Single PDFs.
- This menu is where you designate what dividers fit in a specific package. To create a new single pdf package, click the Create new single pdf button.
- Add the name of your single pdf, then a description if you would like. Then, you will want to select the Display all selected dividers to ensure everything works correctly. Finally, decide if you want to sort by category labels. This means doc titles with the same label will be nested together under the divider bookmark, making it much easier to review. Once you are done, click save.
- Next, click on the name of the single pdf and click on the dividers tab. This is where you will select the dividers that are included in the package. Check the box next to the dividers on the left you want included, then reorder them as needed on the right. Click save when it is ready. This will create your package, and it can be used in new and existing checklists.
If you have any questions or trouble setting up your package, please contact your Cirrus support representative.