My borrower can't upload files, but they can access my page. Why?

This article will teach you about reasons borrowers uploads may not be working, and what to look for

If your borrower is having trouble uploading files to you, but is able to access the page, there may be a simple reason the document is not uploading correctly.  It is important to keep the borrower happy and provide the best possible experience, so we will discuss reasons that the borrower’s files may not be uploading.

The first reason a borrower may not be able to upload files would be the location on the page in which they are uploading the files.  If the documents are not dropped on the correct spot on the page, they will not upload but open in the browser instead.  When dragging and dropping files on the page the borrower should see the word “move” not “copy” on the pdf or other icon they are dragging.  They also need to be sure they are dropping it directly on the cloud icon on the right side of the page, not anywhere else. 

The other case may be that the borrower is uploading a file type that is not currently supported by Cirrus.  In that case, there are indicators that this is occurring.  When the file is uploaded, it will show in a list.  If it turns red and shows an X, you will know that there is an error with the uploaded file.  You can hover over that file in the borrower’s page to see what the error is. 

If you need the file type added, please contact your Cirrus support representative.