How do I upload documents into Cirrus?

This article will teach you the many ways you can upload files to a Checklist in Cirrus

Sometimes your client may send files via email, instead of uploading to your SiteDrop or checklist.

Here are the many ways you can upload a document or documents to your Checklist on behalf of a client. 

  1. Drag and Drop file from the email to the Doctitle in Cirrus
  2. Upload a file to the DocTitle by clicking the ellipsis and then selecting Upload (this requires the file to be stored locally on your computer)
  3. You can also drag and drop from a folder in which you have saved the files
  4. Finally, you can drag and drop to the Portal (open folder Icon in the vertical strip of icons on your checklist) and then move the files from the portal to the appropriate DocTitle. This works well for when you have a lot of documents to upload. 

This video shows you the four ways that are described above.