This article will teach you how to filter then print your checklist in Cirrus
Some users may find it more useful to have a printed version of the checklist as well. More importantly, a user may want to have a printed view of the open doc titles that are requested, or things that have not yet been approved.
To print a limited view of the checklist, start by using the filters above your doc title list in your checklist. Filter by the statuses or labels you wish to see in your printed checklist. Next, click on the binoculars icon in the horizontal list of icons. This will open the View Checklist menu. This will show you the filtered list of items, and you can choose whether or not to see descriptions and print them as well. In this menu, at the bottom right corner, you can click the print button. This will open your print menu. Here you can decide if you would like to change any formatting or print in black and white versus color. When you are happy with your settings, click Print.
If you have any further questions about printing your checklist, please contact your Cirrus support representative.