How do I extract pages from a document?

This article will teach you where to find and how to use the extract feature in Cirrus

You can extract pages from a PDF document via the preview function.

To Preview a document:

  • Click the eye icon to open the side-panel preview
  • Or click the box with an arrow to open Preview in a new tab
  • Click the Extract Pages icon - the right facing arrow icon near the top right of the page preview
  • Enter the numbers of the pages you want extracted, either as a range (i.e 1-5) or as specific pages (i.e. 3,5,8). 
  • Click Save to extract your pages. 
  • You will see a new preview of the extracted pages, and then need to click the Save icon to create your new file. 
  • Add the name of the newly created file, and hit Save.
    • If the file you are extracting pages from is in a doc title, you will also see a checkbox to decide if you want the extracted file to overwrite the current file in the doc title.


You cannot extract pages from non-pdf documents. If you need to, you can convert the file prior to extracting pages.