How do I see notifications and update notification settings?

This article will teach you how to access and update your notification settings

Cirrus notifications help you keep track of file uploads, attachment downloads, when new deals are created, and other updates.

Viewing notifications

To view all notifications, click the bell icon on the top right corner of your screen. Here, you will see the most-recent items. You can mark all notifications as read by clicking the link on the top left of this window. Please note that this cannot be undone.
You can also click the link at the bottom of the menu to See All Notifications. 

On the Notifications page, you can filter for All or Unread notifications by selecting from the dropdown and clicking the refresh button on the right. You can also permanently delete notifications by clicking the X next to the notification. 

Changing notification settings:

You can access notification settings on the dropdown menu that displays when you click the bell icon. You can also change notification settings by clicking the button in the top right of the screen on the View All Notifications page.