This article will teach you how to add or change your logo in Cirrus
Navigate to Administration > System Setup > Appearance.
You will see an options for Application Logo, Favicon, and Custom CSS. To update your logo, click the choose file button and then select your new logo from the finder. It does need to be a JPG, JPEG, PNG or GIF file, and cannot be larger than 30kb in size.
Once it is uploaded, click upload to make the change. This will adjust your logo on all borrower facing pages. If you have any questions about adding a logo, please contact your Cirrus support representative.
To upload your favicon, get the file you would like to make your favicon, and go to:
This will generate the right type of file to upload to the Favicon setting in Cirrus
If your borrower interface is not updating with your changes, but you are sure you have properly-updated your logo/favicon/CSS, you can go to a borrower view webpage and add in ?f=1 to the end of the URL in your web browser. This will perform a server cache refresh and update your interface.