Using Cirrus with Borrower Credit Verification

When using Cirrus for banking or lending, credit-worthiness matters!

Using Cirrus' advanced application framework, you are able to integrate with certain Credit Reporting Agencies for borrower credit verification

But, what types of Credit inquiries can you make?

  1. Soft FICO Score:
    1. Single Bureau
    2. FICO score only
    3. Does not hit the borrower's credit file
    4. No Reg B Compliance documents required
  2. Soft Full Credit Report (for Equifax this is known as a Business Principal Report):
    1. Single Bureau
    2. Full report
    3. Does not hit the borrower's credit file
    4. No Reg B Compliance documents required
  3. Hard Full Credit Report: 
    1. Pulls report from up to three bureaus
    2. Full report from each selected Bureau
    3. This report does hit the borrower's credit file
    4. Requires Reg B compliance

For more on how to incorporate Credit pulls into your process, submit a ticket to your Cirrus support agent.