Advanced Configuration: PDF Generation

Cirrus has the ability to merge information stored in Cirrus into well-formed, fillable PDF forms

How do you ask? If we have collected or stored information in fields in Cirrus, then we can merge that information into PDFs. This is a semi-complex configuration process, but once complete, can help our users send out documents to borrowers to complete, download and sign, or sign with one of our supported e-Signature integrations.


  1. Cirrus Premium Edition
  2. Each form needs to be a well-formed, fillable PDF. Cirrus does not support merging information into other document types at this time
  3. Information to be merged into each form must be stored in Cirrus, or can be manually entered in by a Cirrus user - or both!
  4. Time to configure
    1. We can train your users on the process to map fields, or
    2. Cirrus can complete this through our Client Development Services hours available for purchase. Talk to Cirrus Client Success for more on this option